Tutorial For Facebook Likes. Here are Some Tips You Need To Know.

That’s a lot of people active on Facebook every day!
And despite this big opportunity many good inns still haven’t reached 1,000-page likes. They haven’t updated their page in 2 months or responded to any comments on their page. It’s a huge missed opportunity for independent hotels and bed and breakfasts to connect with potential guests.
Fortunately, it’s easy to grow a larger audience on Facebook with the right techniques. Here’s a comprehensive list of ways you can jump start people liking your page and getting more connected to your audience. Here we go!
1. Post-Great Updates to Your Page!

The key to building a strong community on Facebook and one that regularly brings you new business is consistently sharing great content to your Page.
It all starts with figuring out how you can make someone’s day better through entertainment, inspiration, or education. Think about the unique value you can provide to someone that connects with you on Facebook. Why would you like a Facebook page?
Once you have determined what that is post regularly to your page here are some keys to help you get noticed.
  • Post consistently (try for 4-5 times per week) focusing on quality posts
  • Ask for likes, shares, and comments in your posts. Ask questions of your audience (what should we serve for breakfast…?)
  • Use images as much as possible in your posts
  • Regularly use a Call-to-Action to get people engaged with your blog, email newsletter, etc…
  • Start shooting and posting a video to the page. Facebook users watch the most videos of any other platform out there (including YouTube)
  • Focusing on great updates will make your page attractive and naturally draw people in.

2. Engage with Every Person on Your Facebook Page

An often overlooked but incredibly important part of growing your Facebook presence is engaging with your fans. Like and comment to every person who comments on your posts or to your page. This will do three things. It will generate goodwill to them and show them you appreciate they took the time to comment. It will tell Facebook you are building a community which often times increases your reach. And it notifies the person who wrote the comment again so they can come back and engage more.

3. Use the Invite Your Friends Feature

If you have friends who you think would be interested in staying connected to your Facebook page, invite them! It is usually located just below your Facebook page profile image. Have your employees invite relevant friends to the page as well if they are comfortable doing so.

4. Place a Link to Your Facebook Page on a Sign at Your Front Desk

This might seem a little basic but pointing people to your Facebook page while you have their attention at the front desk is underutilized and a great way to get new page likes. In addition, to the Facebook logo add a link to the page that they can type in and even a QR code that when scanned directs them to the page. An advanced technique is to add a redirect link from your website to your Facebook Page. This might be www.yourwebsite.com/facebook which redirects them to https://www.facebook.com/yourFacebookPage.

5. Fill Out Your Facebook Page with Searchable Information

Have you looked at your Facebook Page profile in the last year? Add as much information as possible to this section and be sure to add as many relevant categories to your page. All of this information helps Facebook serve up your page to people in various ways across the site. The more complete the information the more people will see it and like your page!

6. Thank You Pages and Thank You Emails

When people sign-up for your local vacation guide or fill out your contact form you can redirect them to another page thanking them for getting in touch. Use this moment to add some text and a Facebook button to the page asking them to join you on Facebook. You have their attention and they clearly are engaged with you at this point. Ask for a Facebook like!

7. Add a Button to Several Places on Your Website

Add your Facebook Page button and other social media buttons to several places on your website to make sure people can find it. The top and bottom of the home page, footer (bottom part of your website), contact us page, and about page are all great places to have these buttons available to visitors.
If you already have buttons on your website, check the links! We see all the time that an inn has the button on their site but the link to the page isn’t live so no one can click to see their Facebook page.

8. Engage on Posts that Mention Your Business

Perhaps your state tourism agency mentions your property in a post on their Facebook page and tags your page. This is a great start but you can maximize it! Make a comment thanking them for sharing and adding to the conversation. Like and comment to people who have commented on the post. Comments should be interesting and add to the conversation. This will notify them that they received a response and give another chance to like your Facebook Page. It also gives you a chance to show them you are attentive and passionate about your property.
Also, share the update to your own page for your own fans to engage as well. If it’s good they might share it as well!

9. Place a Facebook Link Within Your Email Signature

Think about how many emails come in and go out on a given day for your property. Probably quite a lot! Get extra exposure to your page by sharing a link below your email signature. This can be the Facebook logo that links or even a simple link by itself. Add them to all email accounts that are used for your property for maximum reach.

Click Here To Buy Some Facebook Likes
Click Here To Buy Some Facebook Likes  BRAZIL
Click Here To Buy Some Facebook Likes  ARAB

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