Want to Increase SoundCloud Downloads, Likes, Followers? Here Are Some Great Tools.

The internet has greatly changed the way music is produced and distributed forever. SoundCloud may be facing financial trouble, but it was able to disrupt the music industry in epic proportions with the way music is introduced and distributed. Gone are the days when only huge labels are able to distribute their materials widely as SoundCloud enables individual musicians and artists to access a wide market without the logistical and monetary investment required for traditional distribution mechanisms. However, this opportunity also comes with challenges as more and more people begin producing their music and crowd the online platform. The chances of getting downloads are slimmer with more players mushrooming from time to time. 
Use Hashtags Wisely
Using hashtags has kind of become played out on Instagram because what I find is a lot of people are using bot software to automatically like or follow anyone who uses certain hashtags, I’ve noticed this especially in fitness related hashtags as well as entrepreneur related hashtags.
The same thing is true to an extent for music related hashtags.
I think two or three years ago they would have been more powerful but it’s really not worth it to get a bunch of likes or follows from bots, you want real people to be engaged with your music.
Don’t forget to add value to the influencer’s life and not just look at the interaction as a transaction.
In conclusion, being quick to adopt new marketing strategies to help promote your music is important but the one fundamental thing will always be connecting with real people and having people with large audiences promote your wares, in this case, music. 

Instagram influencers
Hitting up people with large followings on Instagram and getting them to lip sync to your song in an Instagram post is what you ideally want.
You’ll also want them to @ you at your Instagram account since there’s no way for them to link out to your SoundCloud (and don’t be one of these fools putting links into an Instagram post).
So how do you get influencers to co-sign you?
First, don’t go after the big fish.
That is don’t go after people with a million followers (they won’t talk to you) and don’t go after people with hundreds of thousands of followers (they want to be the ones with a million followers and don’t want to talk to you).
The sweet spot is anyone with between ten thousand and thirty thousand followers.
You can even try to contact people with as much as ninety thousand followers but again they’ll probably think they’re too good for you.
Also be aware of people with fake followers.
They’re usually easy to spot because they’ll have very little likes or comments on their posts.
Also, their other social media followings say their Twitter or Youtube accounts may not be as big, which should raise suspicion like what are you so famous for that your followers didn’t follow you to these other platforms?
Secondly, make sure you contact influencers who are broadly related to your style of music.
For example, if you’re a Christian rapper reach out to preachers with large followings.
You don’t want to limit yourself to just people who like Christian rap.
If they’re devout Christian (why else would they follow their preacher on Instagram?) they might like Christian rap.
Targeting is key but doesn’t just pick the surface level or obvious targets.

Upgrade from Pro to Pro Unlimited
While it is actually a no-brainer, many people do not see the significance of having a pro unlimited account in SoundCloud. The features that come with this package can greatly help you improve your reach and achieve more downloads over time. Aside from the basic features from Pro, Pro Unlimited also offers unlimited uploads, statistics, listeners’ data, pages and apps tracking and much more. With all these, you can expand your marketing strategy and better understand your listeners for a more effective engagement strategy.

Create a Marketing Plan
If you don’t have a marketing plan, then it is time to create one; and if your current marketing plan doesn’t seem to work, then an upgrade or a revision is in order. Your marketing plan must be based on a clear understanding of your listeners, target market, and their habits. It should also include strategies for online promotion and offline promotion like making a deal with clubs, collaborating with local artists and much more. If you are uncertain on how to draft your marketing plan strategically, seek the help of professional marketers.

Social Media Promotion
Using the data you gather from your upgraded account, create promotional materials for influencers and fans in social media, and then use them strategically. Make sure you have an account on specific social media channels where your listeners and the potential market can be found. Use social media to increase following, build a community and increase engagement. This will be very rewarding, not just for your current production but future productions as well.
Increasing downloads in SoundCloud is both an art and a science and you need to harness every possible tool and help that you can get. The competition is stiff, so the rewards go to those who work smart than those who just work hard. If you are yet to use any of the above tips on your present marketing campaigns, it is time to consider and implement them. The benefits that you can reap will be enormous.

Email list
If you’ve built a website for your band, you should start collecting emails from your visitors and use it to send them to SoundCloud. Building an email list will help you to build deeper connections as you’ll update SoundCloud more often than your website. You are not the real Slim Shady, but the real Slim Shady has an email list:
Once you start sending people to SoundCloud from your email be prepared to impress them by purchasing SoundCloud subscribers. Unpopular accounts stay unpopular. This is your chance to improve your perception today.

Collaborate with other artists and share their audience
Collaboration is one of the oldest, and most successful, music marketing strategies. Chance The Rapper now has over 1.6 million followers. He has collaborated with many famous artists like Justin Bieber, Lil Wayne, and T-Pain.
Lil Wayne and Chance The Rapper managed to show the effectiveness of their marketing strategy. Chances song ‘No Problem’ has over 60 million plays:
Every time you collaborate with another artist, especially those on SoundCloud that can help you gain SoundCloud followers, you have an opportunity to grow your audience.

Use Some Paid Services Website to Grow Engagement On SoundCloud
A website is an extremely helpful tool to gain SoundCloud Engagement. Buy Some Soundcloud Engagement From Some Trusted Websites Like QQSUMO to Boost the overall profile on Soundcloud. QQSUMO will promote as many tracks as possible to get feedback from real and active users on SoundCloud.

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