Tactics That Actually Work: 7 Easy Ways to Increase YouTube Subscribers & also Views

There are many ways to Increase Your YouTube Subscribers and Views. You can Buy Real Youtube Subscribers by paying Some Trusted Websites. These methods Will help you to Gain more Subscribers and Views Fast. So we’ll recommend this way.
And another one is Use Some Tactics to grow your channel Subscribers and Views. This Will also help You But You have to be patience. So below are 7 tips for people who just started their Youtube journey. Though these are basic, they will lay the foundation for your brand on Youtube. So make sure you follow each and every one of these tips:
1. Make your Channel homepage Brandilicious

Most people, after being exposed to your video will check out your channel’s homepage. If you want them to subscribe, it needs to be as attractive and professional as possible. Treat your youtube channel like a brand! The impression you create in their minds in the first 5 seconds, matters a lot!

2. Create Video Thumbnails that are irresistible to click

Once upon a time, only Youtube partners could use custom thumbnails. But now everyone can do it just by verifying their phone numbers.
People brainstorm for hours to come up with magnificent blog titles but don’t put the same effort into creating video thumbnails. This is because they don’t realize that thumbnails are to video what headline is to blogs.
All the effort you put into creating your video will go to waste if people don’t click. Your Video thumbnail plays a significant role in making people click. Here are a few tips to create click-worthy video thumbnails:
  • Make it consistent: It is better you choose a particular style and stick with it. This helps in making your videos more recognizable over time.
  • Colors: It’s better you stick with your brand colors. Again, there is no hard and fast rule. Use the color wheel to decide which color suits a particular post more.
  • Resolution: The last thing you want to do is create low-quality images that get pixelated! Also, getting the wrong dimension can make your thumbnails look awkward. Make sure your thumbnails are of the size ‘1280×720.’
  • Put your face up there: The human eye is attracted to human faces rather than text or any other graphic. Neuroscience has proved this. This doesn’t mean that you crop in a fixed template of your face in every thumbnail! Use different expressions that suite the topic of your video.
  • Size of the text: Remember, thumbnails are small. The text has to take a significant portion of the thumbnail’s real estate to be visible when it appears on Youtube. Many people, having created posters, make the mistake of using text that is way too small.
More people clicking your videos result in more reach and thus more subscribers!

3. Go Crazy and Edit like a Perfectionist

You might have a tight schedule because you are trying to upload frequently. But this doesn’t mean that you can compromise on the video quality. You have to spend a reasonable amount of time in post-production to alchemize your mediocre video cuts to a kickass vlog.
Also, take multiple takes of shots that you aren’t very confident about. Add effects wherever necessary. Do this in a way that makes you stand out.
Remember, the more creative your videos look, the more are the chances of getting subscribers!

4. Translate your Video subtitles to other languages

Before you start translating, you need to know about your traffic sources. For example, after a couple of months, let’s say you find that a huge chunk of visitors is from Germany. It would make sense to translate the subtitles of your videos to German.
Pro Tip: You can either opt for paid translating services or choose to upload your own translations. You can use Google Translate to get free translations though it might contain some errors.

5. Youtube Annotations: the secret sauce to triple your reach

Annotations are elements which pop up while the video is playing. It’s one of the most powerful tools offered by Youtube to maximize your subscribers.
Towards the end of the video, you’ll see a white box in the bottom right corner. When you hover over it, you’ll see a “Subscribe” text appear. Clicking on it will take you to their subscribe page.
You can also use speech bubbles, spotlights, etc. to create similar annotations.
You can use annotations to also promote a particular playlist or a video. This is a great way to increase the total watch time of your channel and thus boost your page rankings.
Pro Tip: Do not overdo it. This can kill your existing subscribers.

6. Do Facebook Marketing the smart way with least effort

Just a couple of years ago, Facebook marketing was as simple as sharing your Youtube link. This doesn’t work anymore as Facebook prefers native videos over anything else.
Uploading your Youtube video again on Facebook wouldn’t make sense because of relevancy issues. Videos that are too long and not very entertaining tank on Facebook. Moreover, you aren’t giving them any incentive to check out your channel.
So the strategy here is to make smaller versions of your main video and post it separately on FB. These short videos should be entertaining stand-alone pieces.
In the end, you can mention about your channel and try drive traffic to your Youtube channel.

7. Choose the right Video Category

Choosing your video category can be confusing. For example, if your video is ‘3 day trip to Nebraska with my dog Rudolph’ it can come under “Travel & Events” or “Pets & Animals”.
Which one to choose? Only you can decide.
People usually browse categories based on their interests. So people browsing which category will be most interested in your video? This is a call you’ll have to make.
Pro Tip: If it’s hard to decide, pick one for now based on your hunch. Experiment with both categories using a couple of videos. Based on the results, you will have an idea of what to choose in future.


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