How To Increase Real LinkedIn Followers? Here are Some Pro Tips For LinkedIn Followers.

1.) Install the LinkedIn Follow Button on Your Website

This is a no-brainer. Having a LinkedIn follow button gives people an easy way to follow you on LinkedIn. Follow this link for complete instructions to grab the code and install the LinkedIn follow button.

2.) Post Job Openings
Every time we post a job opening on LinkedIn we notice that our numbers surge. Makes sense right? Applicants want to demonstrate their interest in the company and stay abreast of your company’s updates in the future. Follow this link to get started with posting a job on LinkedIn.

3.) Cross-Promote on Your Other Social Media Pages
There’s no harm in asking your Facebook Fans or Twitter Followers to follow you on LinkedIn. Give them the link, add an enticing call-to-action and you’re done!

4.) Ensure Your Staff is on LinkedIn and Get Them to Follow
This seems so obvious, but you’d be surprised how often you’ll find people within the company not following. Sure, they may not use LinkedIn as often, but that’s no excuse for them not to be following you. You can do this by sending out an email or mandating it at a staff meeting.
You’d be surprised, but there are a lot of LinkedIn hold-outs. The benefit of having everyone on the platform is that it accurately depicts the size of your company and a link to your company’s page will appear right on their profile.

5.) Get Your Staff and Co-Workers to Share Your Updates
Let’s say you’re in a 40 person company with an average of 200 LinkedIn connections per employee. If every one of your colleagues shares an update, that exposes your company to 8000 people! This, of course, assumes that everyone checks their feed. See tip #4 for how to install share buttons on your blog.

6.) Fill Out Your Company Profile From A to Z
LinkedIn actually gives you a lot of options for filling out your company profile. You can add products and services, create an eye-catching profile and banner photos and all the employees in the company will be automatically connected. Posting updates and sharing content will play a big part in this because updates are featured very prominently on your company page; so make sure you’re active.

7.) Designate Multiple Admins on Your Company Page
Having multiple admins means that there will be more people who are able to share updates on behalf of your company. Encourage these newly minted Admins to share articles they find (so long as they’re relevant to your industry). Huddle your team together, provide some examples of great content to share, then monitor the page to make sure updates are in-line with your brand.

8.) Add a LinkedIn Company Profile Widget to Your Blog
In case you already haven’t noticed, LinkedIn has tons of cool widgets covering everything from following buttons to share buttons. There’s also a company profile widget you can add to your blog. 

9.) Ask People to Follow on Your Company Newsletter
Have a company newsletter? You’re in luck, a newsletter is a perfect place to include a call-to-action that will entice people to follow your company on LinkedIn.

10.) Analyze Your LinkedIn Business Page Insights
LinkedIn Page Insights give you valuable data about how your company is trending. It will give you stats like Page Views, Unique Visitors, Page Clicks and post engagement. But it doesn’t end there. LinkedIn gives you tons of valuable data about visitor demographics including visitor seniority, industry, function, region, company size and more.
The metrics I’ve listed are just the beginning. If you’re an admin, navigate to your company’s page and click “page insights” or “follow insights” to gain access.

11.) Use Some Paid Services
There are a lot of services online which you can Buy Real LinkedIn Followers. Buying Followers for your social network accounts will always be helpful, so purchase some LinkedIn Followers From Some Trusted Websites. 

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