Some Genuine Tips To Increase Your YouTube Traffic l QQSumo

Most don’t immediately associate YouTube with marketing. But that’s beginning to change. Because when it comes to social media marketing, YouTube is an undeniably powerful force. After all, more than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube each day. The surprising part? Only 9% of small businesses use the site for marketing. And we get it. For many, videos unfamiliar territory. And when it comes to video marketing, filming is only half the battle. So we’ve put together a list of tips and tactics to help increase the traffic to your YouTube let’s talk traffic and how you can get more of it.

Killer Content to Increase Your YouTube Traffic 
All the promoting in the world won’t save a YouTube channel with lackluster content. Sure, you may get some initial views, but in order to gain and retain an engaged audience, you need to make sure you routinely deliver informative, high-value content. The kind of content will depend on your business and what appeals to your target audience. The key is to find a way to separate yourself from the pack. What is your unique selling proposition, and how can you showcase it through video? Then, it’s a matter of designing a content strategy specifically for your YouTube channel. Decide what subjects you want to focus on, and layout timeline for filming, uploading and promoting each video.
Interestingly, in a study done on the top 100 brands on YouTube, Pixabliity found that the most successful brands varied their content: “Short-form content targeted consumers closer to the top of the marketing funnel, while longer form content maintained engagement with those farther along in the buying journey.”So don’t be afraid to experiment with kinds of content and video length.

YouTube SEO (Yes, It is A Thing)
YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine by volume, second only to Google. Which means that all your content needs to be optimized for YouTube the same way it would be for a Google search.SEO alone is one of the easiest and most reliable ways of increasing your traffic and overall ROI. Start with your video title and description. Choose one keyword and make sure you work it into your video title, descriptions and tags. Make sure you use your primary keyword at the beginning of the title, with any secondary keywords or variations used later in your copy.StepsSelect a keywordMake sure it shows up in YouTube auto-suggest. Do keyword research in Google Keyword PlannerDouble upon keyword research with, keyword eg, SerpStats or TubeBuddy. Add tagsWrite unique YouTube copy (500 words)Create the custom YouTube imageAdd link inside of content to web pageCreate end screen subscribe and view more videos create a card on each video linking to product or web page ensure video settings are correct update and optimize your playlists

Upload Frequently to Increase YouTube Traffic
More videos = more views, right? Right, to an extent. Generally speaking, you want to upload as frequently as possible, without sacrificing quality. So if you have the time and tools to upload multiple videos a week, by all means, do it. But, if you begin to notice a decline in quality, you’ll soon be seeing a decline in viewers too.I recommend setting a schedule. Choose whether you want to upload once a week, every other week or once a month, and stick to it. Choose a schedule that is realistic for you, and remember, you can always tweak the frequency as you become familiar with the platform and the kinds of content that attract your ideal audience.

Edit for Quality
To be clear: high-quality video doesn’t necessarily mean high-quality production. So don’t worry if you don’t have all the top-of-the-line video equipment or thousands to pour into your video strategy, especially when you’re just starting out. You do, however, need to make sure your videos are professional. That means clean, well-lit and well-scripted. So start simple. For example, the classic “floating head” video, which features one person on screen, is an easy and effective strategy. You will want to make sure your on-screen personality is well-rehearsed, engaging, and the background provided is clean and not distracting.  Make multiple recordings, and edit together only the best parts for the final product.

Use Tools to Increase YouTube Traffic
While the editing process can take some time, there are tools to help. A few of the more popular are Adobe, YouTube Editor, and iMovie (also Sony Vegas and even Windows Movie Maker work). But editing software isn’t the only tool that comes in handy for YouTube.Anyone serious about growing their channel should take a look at Tubebuddy, a tool designed specifically to manage some of the smaller tasks associated with running a channel.
It breaks its tools into five categories: Productivity tools, Bulk Processing tools, Video SEO tools, Promotion tools, and Data and Research tools

Interact With Others to Increase YouTube Traffic
Like any other social site, your interaction with other users will have a big impact on your overall popularity. So subscribe to similar channels. Comment on others’ videos, and if applicable even include a link to one of your videos they might find useful. One effective way to use this interaction is to ask your viewers to leave video recommendations in the comments. Not only will this further their engagement, but create a sense of community as well. And as always, make sure you’re active in your replies to anyone who leaves comments or questions on your uploads.

Look at Live streaming
Thanks to apps like Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook stories, live streaming has become one of the more popular ways to communicate. And of course, YouTube offers something similar. Its live streaming option allows you to connect with your viewers on a real-time basis and is perfect for spur-of-the-moment announcements or big industry news.

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