Youtube Marketing: The Complete Guide To Increase Audience Retention

The reach and power of this Social media platform has been experienced and demonstrated by many celebrities, personalities and artists and have managed to be stack a lot of viewers. But no one knows what they actually did and used to be a success all this while.

Audience retention is one of your most important stats on YouTube. It is even more important than your view count. Your view count really only tells you how many people are finding and clicking on your videos, not whether they are actually watching them. Audience retention refers to how much of a video a viewer watches before clicking away, which is very useful information to have. If you know when people are leaving your videos then you know what you need to work on.

Tip #1: Build Your YouTube Reputation

It is essential to building up your YouTube channel as an authority channel on your subject to establish you as a brand. Initially, you need to complete your channel profile i.e. your profile information along with a relative profile photo.Again, you need a channel trailer that can explain visitor about your brand and your services. Give a quick demonstration & short description of yourself, your business and your channel contents. This helps you to build your YouTube reputation that people will love to subscribe.

Tip #2: Create Playlists

The playlist is a pack of all your videos of the same subject. You can create playlists for all your videos you have uploaded. This will help you to display all the videos in an organized way and also encourage your viewers to click more on your related videos, and ultimately you get more YouTube videos views.

Tip #3: Create Quality Thumbnails

If you allow YouTube to automatically choose your thumbnail, it probably won’t be very interesting. Use your computer’s screenshot feature to capture an image from your video that is emotionally compelling, and upload it in your video settings.

Tip #4: Make Your Title Short And Interesting

Your video title should not necessarily describe your video in a way that makes sense to your administration. Make your title viewer-centric, and think about what would make you want to click on a video. And try to keep it brief – a shorter title that doesn’t get cut off is better for click-throughs.

Tip #5: Choose Tags That Will Be Good For SEO

Your constituents are using YouTube as a search engine – so you should be too! Think about what your supporters are searching, and make sure those keywords are included in your video tags. Keep in mind that what people are searching isn’t always an accurate description of the video.

Tip #6: Write A Good Video Description

In your video description, consider telling people a story instead of describing what’s happening in the video. Be entertaining, and remember that the description area is not the place to hit messaging points.

Tip #7: Spruce Up Your Channel Design

Most visitors first impression of you is from your channel and your design. This is where visitors interact and get to know what you are about. Create a engaging header and show off your brand. On my channel, we were intentional about our design making it fit into our overall branding strategy. The key takeaway is to design with purpose.

Tip #8: Study The Youtube Analytics

Keep a close watch on the Audience Retention report for all of your videos. (Creator Studio->Audience Retention->Select Video button below the graph->Select any video).

By analyzing the Audience Retention graph, you can find out at what point of time the audience is dropping off from the video. For instance, in the image below you can see that majority of the audience is dropping off at the beginning of the video (between 0 and 45 seconds) and at around 3 minute 44 seconds.

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