Facebook Marketing Tips:- How You Can Increase Your Facebook Page Likes Fast – QQSumo

People often ask this question to themselves when they are starting with Facebook Marketing. In the digital era, marketing channels have changed from newspaper and tv to Facebook and Youtube. If you have a business, I am sure you must have created your business page on Facebook But the problem is you don’t have enough page likes on your page. The more people that see your content, the better. More impressions, more clicks, more comments, more shares – all indicators of relevance in the Facebook algorithm. Having more Facebook Likes is useful. But generating new likes can be a grind. Sharing great, well-crafted, social content is not enough to significantly grow those numbers. Today, we will discuss some simple and effective methods to increase facebook page likes on your business page.

1. Invite your Facebook friends to like the page

This sounds totally obvious and it’s actually something Facebook prompts you to do. But, like most things Facebook prompts you to do, you most likely ignore it. Furthermore, if inviting your friends feels a little bit needy and that your brand is ‘bigger’ than that, you may have actively refrained from doing. But there’s a good reason to do it.

This is a highly effective tactic and it will take you five minutes to implement.

Simply go to your business’ Facebook page and select ‘invite friends’ from the ellipsis drop-down menu (you will need to be a page admin to do this). You’ll then see a list of your friends, each with an ‘invite’ button next to their name (unless they already like your page). Go down the list and click to invite your friends as selectively as you like.

If you have already done this, it is worthwhile revisiting. People you have become friends with recently might be more likely to like your page so start with them.

Depending on how vast and good your friend’s list is (and how well you know your friends!), this should be the source of a few dozen likes, possibly hundreds. Naturally, this is a huge win if your page has only a few hundred or a couple of thousand-page likes. Obviously, if you have hundreds of thousands of ) page likes, this is going to make a fairly insignificant dent, but you may still find it worthwhile.

2. Use excellent profile pictures and cover images

First impressions will be based on your profile picture and cover image.

Do the images seen at the top of your page convey the message your church wants to communicate? For example, rather than a photo of your impersonal church building, post pictures of actual members doing ministry or of one of your more exciting children’s activities.

3. Run a ‘friends of fans’ campaign

If you’ve ever run Facebook ads and promoted posts before, you should be aware of custom audiences‘. Custom audiences are built around data specific to your business and its Facebook page (as opposed to interests or demographics that anyone can choose to target).

This type of custom audience is effective for most brands because the friends of the people who like your page are good candidates to be customers and, of course, more page likes. If you’ve never run a Facebook ad before, this is a great place to start.

4. Read and Respond to Comments

Facebook rewards pages that engage with their audience. Once again, this means that your Facebook page can’t be “set it and forget it.” Every time you comment on a post or reply to a comment someone else has made, it gives Facebook another opportunity to show your content. The more you engage, the more Facebook will reward that engagement by placing your post in other feeds.

5. Connect Your Profile with Other Social Media Account

Connect your other social media accounts with your Facebook Page. Many people have larger followings on certain social media sites than others. Connect them as much as possible to encourage people to follow, and likes your Facebook as well.

6. Use @-Mentioned in Post Descriptions

This is something not in trend on social platforms other than twitter. I am not going to describe how to use them @’s here, The importance of using @-Mentioned in the description of the updates is, you can catch the eyes of the most following pages in your industry and the people you are following by inviting them from @-mentioned on your page to come and read particular post and you can never know, if they like it enough to share on their pages..

The main idea behind that, which the team stated, is – just to increase the reach and likes of the Facebook page through the pages and profiles of influencers. Because this is a very great idea to increase page likes and popularity.

7. Add the Facebook “Like box” on your website

This is again social media marketing 101 but you need to have the Facebook like box on your website for 3 reasons:

1 –It’s a way to associate your website with the Facebook business page. In other words, it is a way to ‘tell’ search engines that this is your official Facebook business page.

2 – When you get a lot of fans, and likes this is something you should be proud and something to show to your users.

3 – It’s a good way to grow your fan base organically. Your readers can follow your website by clicking the LIKE button without having to go to Facebook.
8. Try Paid Services

Well, Buying Facebook Followers for a page or account is actually an easy job. You just have to make sure that the site you are purchasing from is 100% reliable and genuine website. And guess what? You can easily figure out whether or not a website is reliable. Just check out their website and look for the refund guarantee. If they offer a full refund guarantee and they use PayPal as their payment method, then it means that this site is worth trying out.
So what you do next is to buy one of their small packages to test out their works. And if okay, you then settle and make them your go-to place. But if not, you then claim for refund and move on to find a reliable website.
So this is how you find out a reliable and trustworthy website. And once you find it out, you then purchase more Likes/Followers for your pages.

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