Want To Increase YouTube Video View? Here are Some Easy Tactics You Need To Know. Increasing

Today YouTube is a major source of entertainment, because of this, there are many people starting their own YouTube channels.
There is different intention to start a YouTube channel, it might be having a business that you want to promote, it might be an entertainment channel and you want to just monetize and earn money through it.
But as the competition is increasing day by day on the YouTube platform.
It is very easy for your video to get lost in the world of YouTube, but now there are many options which can help you to grow your viewers and get organic views on videos.
Here are some few tips that you can use in order to get clicks.
1. Choose your thumbnail carefully

The thumbnail is the most important part of the video; the first thing viewer sees when they search your video is the thumbnail of the video. It is should be click-worthy.

2. Thinking over title and description of the video

A title is also a very important part of your video, it also improves the search result and also drives more traffic to your channel.
First-term should be relevant; you should follow the keyword that is featured in the video by building the keyword phrase.
Description includes your URL, keyword phrase and mini-post which give brief about your video.

3. Creating the custom Background

Having your content in the clean channel design. Background images do bring viewers, so apart from themes, uploading own background image, helps video to stand out.

4. Adding Channel Tag

Tagging your video with keywords, you can bring more viewers and you can find this in your setting option on the My Channel menu.

5. Make a featured Video

YouTube shows your most recent video automatically as the featured video on your channel. Who post videos regularly, it is ideal, but for those who post very less on YouTube they should select some other video as featured video.

6. Paying attention to comments

You have to always engage with your audience. You have to check comments from time to time and if possible respond to those post.
If required clean up the spam comments and delete the required ones.

7. Recent Activity

Show what you have been doing on YouTube. If you like or Favorite video on tube let everyone know this in your recent activity.

8. Making your Playlist

Creating a playlist is very important. Create the playlist of your video instead of having series of separate videos. Popular or recent videos will make fan interested.

9. Sharing in the right manner

Sharing the video in the right manner is very important to in order to approach more viewers. You should know where the video is to be shared so that more and more traffic can be brought on to the channel.
You can use various social media platforms to gain more viewers from it.
These all above tips can definitely be going to help you in order to get more organic traffic and viewers on your channel.

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