Simple Ways To Increase Views On Twitter Views, Likes, Followers.

1. Engage with Other Users Content

If you want other users to engage with your content, a good way to start is to always interact with their first. Like, respond to, and retweet your users content when you can, and following them can also help.
You can reply, retweet, favorite, or click on a tweet.
When you respond to other users or engage with their content, they’ll be more likely to pay attention to what you’re posting, too. This is especially true considering most brands don’t take or have the time to interact with a lot of followers, so it can mean more when you do.
Not only will this increased engagement, but it will also help you start to build a relationship between you or your brand and the users you’re interacting with, expanding the benefits more concretely—and off Twitter.

2. Retweet Other Users’ Tweets

You want to do this early and often. I’m singling out retweeting as engagement because this is what most users value the most; not only are you liking their content enough to validate it, but you value it enough to share it.
Reciprocity is an important part of why people choose to follow and engage with you, psychologically speaking.
Retweeting can be some of the most powerful engagement you get on a post since it will carry your content to that users’ audience. By retweeting your users’ content first, you could have much better luck when trying to get them retweet and share your own content.

3. Keep Your Tweets Brief

We are all forced to keep our tweets relatively brief automatically, with Twitter limiting our posts to 140 characters. This can be challenging enough as it is, but limiting our posts just a little more can actually increase engagement.
According to multiple different sites and data, the sweet spot for the number of characters for shareable tweets is between 80 and 110 characters, including hashtags and user tags, especially if you’re looking to increase retweets.
When your tweets are between 80-110 characters, they’re more likely to offer value in whatever form you’re aiming for (whether that’s to entertain, inform, or share an opinion), while still being brief enough that users can easily retweet them. When at this length, users will have enough room to briefly add in their own thoughts or hashtags, while still referring back to you. If you were to use all 140, on the other hand, users would have to edit your tweet and cut it down so they could add their text, and for many, this is just too much work.
You want users to share your content; make it easy for them to do so.

4. Share a Variety of Links

If you want to get clicks to your site, the best way to do so is to put links in your Tweets.
While you want to share links to your most valuable content, sending traffic to your site, you also want to share content from others, too. With social media, you never want to make it all about you and your brand; Twitter is no exception.
If you find great content off Twitter, share it there and tag the brand/user who created it if possible; they’ll appreciate it, and some of your users might, too.
Sharing links that you find valuable—and that isn’t your own—can encourage users to pay more attention to what you’re posting. Even better, it can build relationships between you and your users and other industry leaders whose content you’re sharing, and they might later share your content in return.
This can help increase engagement and send more traffic and new visitors to your site as an added bonus.

5. Respond When Someone Tweets to You

This can be particularly challenging for large brands or brands that have a large amount of engagement (even if it’s just when major content goes live), but doing your best to respond in some way when a user tweets to you can go a long way.
Sending an actual response Tweet can be the most powerful and effective, especially if they’ve tweeted you or tagged you in a post that could generate a conversation (such as thank you, asking you a question, or sharing a thought they had about your product or post). When criticism or upset customers are involved, make sure to respond to them as soon as possible— this should always take the priority.
Responding when someone tweets you not only increases the chance that they’ll respond in some way to your reply, but also that they’ll engage with your posts in the future.

6. Know Your Peak Hours

Just like with Facebook, there will be certain times of the day or days of the week when more of your users will be active on the site or more likely to engage with your content. By being able to find those peak hours and posting during them, you’ll get more views and you’ll be more likely to increase engagement and clicks on your post.
Some studies have shown that posting between 12:00-3:00 on Mondays through Fridays is among the best time, while others have found slightly different peak hours; Adweek found that 5 pm had the highest retweets while posting between 12 and 6 pm provided the highest CTR.
Most studies were consistent in the findings that posting during day hours yielded the most engagement and highest CTR.
Ultimately, your peak posting times may differ from the suggestions here; testing how your content performs at different times will be the best way to determine what times work best for you and your audience.

7. Use Twitter Ads

When you’re looking to best engagement quickly, Twitter Ads can be a good way to do so, especially if you don’t have a lot of followers or followers that frequently engage with your content. Twitter Ads do cost money (and can be more expensive than Facebook Ads), but they can still help increase engagement when you need it. Promoted tweets work best for this purpose.
As seen here, promoted tweets can garner a massive amount of engagement.
Though Twitter Ads can be on the more expensive side, some users have found that Twitter’s click-through rates are actually superior. Particularly when you want to drive traffic offsite, this makes Twitter Ads a good, albeit not free, solution.
You can create Twitter Ads by locating the tab on the same drop-down menu where you can find Twitter Analytics, which offers to report for engagement and conversion tracking.

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